We Are Never Not In Relationship
We Are Never Not In Relationship

We humans are creatures of connection, we are never not in relationship. When we are with our children, our mate, or our friends, this is obvious. But even when we are all alone, or in a crowd of people we don’t know, we are still relating to ourselves. There is nothing like our relationships with our children and our mate to face us into our shortcomings and struggles, and to call forth our strengths and splendor. This is where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. Few experiences brings forth what is uncivilized within us like a child needing our attention when we are desperate to have some time to ourself. Being in conflict with our mate is one of the most powerful ways to discover how willing and able we are to accept and be responsible for all that gets stirred up inside us when we are in close proximity with, and depend upon, others.
These experiences in relationship are where we have the greatest opportunity to face and embrace that which we want to reject in ourselves and in the other. This is also where our determination and daring to accept and feel what we have previously avoided is greatest. The feedback we get when we are unwilling or unable to do this is immediate and relentless. When we refuse to take up the opportunities for healing and transformation that life is offering us in the form of the challenges we experience in relationship, we suffer, and so do the people closest to us.